Li Li Leung, Sports Marketing

“Sharing the same client on an Olympic effort, our agency found Lea-Ann a joy to work with. She was responsive, knowledgeable, and gave clear direction thereby making us more productive in our responsibilities.

Lea-Ann worked well under pressure and was able to keep a positive and upbeat attitude at all times. She worked extremely well with our team and we were lucky to have her as our contact.

We wish more consultants were like her.”

- Li Li Leung, Sports Marketing

#theDREAMinitiative Of Corporate Exec Joan Nelson

Posted on Sep 13, 2013
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A true LEADER who serves the community

Joan Nelson Joan Nelson is part of the leadership team at IBM. She is extremely experienced in the world of financial planning and supply chain operations; having had worked globally for over 30 years in the technology industry.

A member of her state bar, she strongly advocates in support of those with modest means. She is an active community volunteer who has participated on the board of directors for several nonprofit agencies.

Dreams can come true when we are passionate about them, but how many of us realize it all starts with writing them down?

When I was little I wanted to be… A Social Worker. I envisioned opening a community center where service oriented professionals, i.e., doctors, lawyers, dentists, volunteered to provide services to people of modest means. My mother told me that I needed a profession which paid more money…so I decided to go into business and law.

Now that I’m grown up, my dream is… To be the next Iyanla Vanzant or Dr. Phil with my own talk show. But I also dream to be director of a non-profit organization that provides child advocacy and family law mediation services to people of modest means.

My new dream in one word: Supportive! I would love to help people or families during difficult times so that they make decisions which are best for themselves or their children, not based on emotion, anger and strife.

The challenges I am afraid of – the challenges I need to overcome: Somehow I’ve become the matriarch of my family. So my biggest fear is having the ability to support my extended family while I pursue my own dreams. My biggest challenge to overcome is gaining the certifications and experience I need to practice child advocacy law and family law mediation with confidence.

Can my dream be a reality? Yes! My reality date is: When I build the bridge that allows me to get my mediation certifications and determine the best approach to transition from my current career to one of serving my community without the worries of fulfilling my financial and family obligations.

My dream date is… Winning the lottery so I can pursue my dream goals now. However, that would take me actually playing the lottery, which I don’t do. So, my next best resource is a financial planner who can help me find financial security sooner and an experienced family law mediator to show me the ropes and teach me how to be an effective, well respected, sought after mediator!

We all need to listen to our mothers. Let’s face it, they always seem to know what’s best for us. But what happens when our mother’s voice is getting drowned out by our own voice? No matter what age you are you inevitably start to head in a new and uncharted direction that hopefully leads to being happy and self-sustaining.

But what if this means you just might not make the big bucks anymore? Do you allow yourself to take the leap?

I say take that leap Joan! With your background you certainly have what it takes. Maybe it’s in steps…Step #1: Go get that certification. At the same time, surround yourself with the people who can and will support you in your dream. Step #2: Find out how you can play an active role with the TV shows of Iyanla Vanzant or Dr. Phil. Why not learn from the best?!

The need is certainly there. And you are a powerful solution. I see great things in your future Joan.

Who can help Joan transition from corporate to community-service leadership….or inspirational talk show host?  Is there an experienced family law mediator out there who can mentor and sponsor Joan’s new-found career? Can YOU influence what happens next for Joan?

What do you think? Can YOU help Joan achieve her dream? Can you help her get past her challenges? As always, let me know what you think in the comments, or tell me on Twitter.

mbfs-logo-CORNERSleddogg launched “the DREAM initiative” in September 2013 as a spin-off from an event sponsored by Sleddogg: SPARKcon’s my BIG fat secret event. Spark a professional dream — People all over the world have dreams of realizing career and organizational aspirations beyond what they are currently doing.

Lea-Ann approached people from all over the world and challenged them to share. She gave them some fill-in-the-blank questions. “I find that writing it down gives us clarity,” shares Lea-Ann.

“With clarity we see where we are going and can then determine how to get there. Posting it online here at Sleddogg…well, that feels more like a pledge now doesn’t it?”