Jean Cai, Director Olympic Marketing

“Lea-Ann worked smoothly across cultures and coordinated Olympic activation team members from different countries working towards a common goal. When there was uncertainty and ambiguity, she was still able to drive the team towards a clear direction and energize members not to lose focus!”

- Jean Cai, Director Olympic Marketing

#theDREAMinitiative Of PhD Student Mary Berst

Posted on Sep 12, 2013
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mbfs-logo-CORNER[success]An off-shoot of the SPARKcon my BIG fat secret event, and with a goal of helping people to spark a professional dream, Sleddogg launched “the DREAM initiative” in September 2013.

People all over the world have dreams — dreams of realizing career and organizational aspirations beyond what they are currently doing. I have challenged them to share. And I gave them some fill-in-the-blank questions. I find that writing it down gives us clarity. With clarity we see where we are going and can then determine how to get there. Posting it online here at Sleddogg…well, that feels more like a pledge now doesn’t it? [/success]

A dream to help others…

MaryWhen Mary Berst decided to get her Master’s in Psychology it was strictly to help counsel people in her church. As she got closer to graduation, she felt God prompting her to continue on to her PhD.

She doesn’t really know what the next steps are though. She wants to help people, and isn’t yet sure what type of institution she will end up at.

Dreams can come true when we are passionate about them, but how many of us realize it all starts with writing them down?

When I was little I wanted to be….a doctor and a dancer.

Now that I’m grown up, my dream is….to finish my PhD so I can get licensed and help others see their true potential. For many this involves healing; unpacking the baggage they are carrying from their past.

My new dream in one word: There are really two words: healing breakthrough.

The challenges I am afraid of – the challenges I need to overcome: I have been working on my PhD for 6 years. Though my academics was completed 2 1/2 years ago, I have been stuck in one place in the dissertation process. I have two fears. First, will I ever finish? Second, once finished will I have the ability to learn all aspects of the two examinations to get licensed?

Can my dream be a reality? Yes! My reality date is: The date I will officially graduate with my PhD will be May, 2014. I will be officially licensed in the State of California as a Psychologist – June, 2015. I don’t know what’s next for me after that. I only know that the doors will open when the timing is right. I am walking by faith.

My DREAM date is… Dr. Wendy Flint. She is a dear friend who has been there for me every step of the way through this educational process and has been a true encourager.

What better dream is there than to help others? Mary is a good soul. But she can’t achieve her dream alone, she needs help. When I asked Mary to clarify her current circle of influence she replied with: her friends, family and in particular her husband Paul. Success in achieving our dreams most certainly is best when those who love us are there supporting us. And Mary is blessed to have these people around her.

Dr. Wendy Flint, on the other hand, is a valued mentor and a friend. Perhaps she can be a sponsor too? A sponsor is someone who can champion Mary’s career. Does Dr. Flint know people of influence? Can she influence what happens next for Mary? Can YOU?

[success][/success]What do you think? Can YOU help Mary achieve her dream? Can you help her get past her challenges? As always, let me know what you think in the comments, or tell me on Twitter.[success][/success]