Theresa Carter, NonProfit Leader
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“I was fortunate enough to attend a planning session for BPW that was facilitate by Lea-Ann. She guided us through the steps necessary to identify our current position as an organization, our goals and how to achieve these goals. Results of this planning session will help us position ourselves in our area, and set direction for our organization to successfully move forward.”

- Theresa Carter, NonProfit Leader

Using video to build relationships with your audience

Posted on Jan 25, 2012

Lea-Ann W. Berst on the radio! Listen to an audio clip from the Courage Cocktail radio show. Lea-Ann shares how video helps a business build relationships, build referrals, and gets a target audience to do things using a call-to-action. Mentioned: videographer Alisha Whiteway  | radio host and author Lee Anne McClymont.